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Monthly Membership Tiers and Kofi Goal

Updated: Apr 11

Category: What are Rose Memberships?

Posted By: Catherine Michelle Rothschild

Rose Memberships are inspired by Ko-Fi's idea behind 'buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi' where you can pay either a monthly subscription or a one-off payment to support an independent artist through donations.

What are the rewards for being a Rose Member?

Each member has their own specific tier in regards to their rewards but in total you will receive:

  • Free Wallpapers

  • Free Stickers

  • Private Blog Posts

  • Private Youtube Videos

  • Discounts for Ko-Fi shop

  • Discounts for Commission Requests

  • Monthly subscription discounts for products on our website

Whatsapp Sticker Packs ready to download on a weblink

Free Floral Oceania Wallpapers🇦🇺🌸

What is your Ko-Fi goal?

My Kofi Goal Quote:

🎨MA in Fine Art & Rent Arrears🙏
🎨I am interested in taking an MA in Fine Art so I can work in the creative field as a conceptual fine artist.💖However I had to put that on pause since I need to fund for my apartment first. I lost my previous job during the pandemic and have struggled to find another one since.💔 I created MysticalRoseFavours as a side hobby but I would love to have even more creative opportunities in the future.🌹I thank you so much for your support💕 and every Kofi ☕ helps me to financially towards my goal.

What else would you like to use your donations for?

I, Catherine Rothschild, wish to publish my first series of books that I had been working on as part of my course work during my BA in Photography. I want to include these published books as part of my portfolio to further establish myself as an artist/photographer and to use as a reference for potential MA in Fine Art courses in London or for potential jobs within the creative arts.

Further Than Space Front Book Cover

Further Than Space is a photography book based on my four week trip to Auckland, NewZealand on December 2019 to rediscover the kiwi part of my identity after I've been estranged from my kiwi roots for over twenty years. The book consists of bright colourful photography based on Nature Photography - including Flowers, Trees and even a cute cat photo! Food Photography, Family Photography and Landscape Photography - including beaches and parks.

An Investigation into Family Photography Front Book Cover

My second book, An Ethnographic Investigation into Family Photography is a part two to my first book, Further Than Space, but can be enjoyed as its own separate book.

The book is a short essay that focuses more on family dynamics and how they are represented through photography. I write case studies based on how different family dynamics can effect our identity and sense of self worth. I briefly write a short case study on my own family photographs as well. The book consists of looking into the ethnographic perfective into family photography, meaning that I look into how the family is presented on the surface verses how the people within the family actually operate and effect each other.

What publisher do you want to use?

I wish to publish my books with Publishing Push Complete Publishing Package. The Package includes:

  • Kindle eBook and Paperback formats on Amazon

  • 100% of royalties and retain copyright

  • Global distribution to over 40,000 retailers and libraries including Waterstones, Books Express, Barnes & Noble,,, Apple, and more!

  • Worldwide Distribution Including the United Kingdom & Europe. United States & Canada, Australia & New Zealand!

The Package costs £1,490.00 (not including £195.00 for book cover design with unlimited revisions).

Images: Photography and Artwork by Catherine Michelle Rothschild

Date of Blog Post: Thursday 16th November 2023

Date of Last Update: Thursday 11th April 2024

Thank you for reading!

Lots of Love


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